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Five best self-care tips for breastfeeding mothers

This is a guest post. Congratulations on deciding to breastfeed your new baby. Breastfeeding provides your newborn with protection against common childhood infections and lowers their risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome. You will benefit from breastfeeding as well. It lowers your risk of high blood pressure, type two diabetes, ovarian cancer, and breast cancer.

Five best self-care tips for breastfeeding mothers Read More »

Are nursing tanks necessary? 6 reasons why you need them.

Nursing tanks are not only functional but are also comfortable and stylish. They are like regular tank tops but with easy breast access. I love nursing tanks but are they really necessary? No, nursing tanks are not necessary but highly recommended. Nursing tanks are designed specifically to help moms breastfeed and pump conveniently and discreetly.

Are nursing tanks necessary? 6 reasons why you need them. Read More »

Will my breasts go back to normal after breastfeeding?

Breast changes after breastfeeding are common. Your breasts usually return to their pre-pregnancy size and shape within 3 months of weaning. Some moms say their breasts stay larger after breastfeeding, while others say they become smaller than before getting pregnant. Some end up with lopsided breasts. Unfortunately, there is no way to predict which camp

Will my breasts go back to normal after breastfeeding? Read More »