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Can you wear your own hospital gown during labor?

Do you want to wear your own hospital gown during labor? Most hospitals allow it. Still, it’s always best to ask your obstetrician ahead of time or check your hospital website before you go into labor.

Many women choose to wear their own clothing while they are in labor because it is more comfortable. Hospitals usually allow women to wear their own hospital gown during labor and delivery. However, if you need a Caesarean section, you will need to wear a hospital-issued gown.

While you’re here, do you know about hypnobirthing? It’s a method that uses relaxation techniques and deep breathing to help you feel calmer and have less pain during delivery. My favorite online hypnobirthing class is Hypnobubs. You get 10 video sessions, ebooks and lots of free goodies like Affirmations for Beautiful Birthing, Prompts for Birthing and inspiring birth videos!

Check out the Hypnobubs offer.

Back to the topic. Let’s take a deep dive:

What do I wear to the hospital for delivery?

Wear something loose-fitting and comfortable so it doesn’t constrict your pregnancy bump. Clothes that are too restrictive will annoy you and be supremely uncomfortable when contraction occurs.

You also want to make sure it’s easy to take off so you can easily change into your delivery gown when you get to the labor room.

I recommend wearing a flowy maternity dress like this one:

Ekouaer Women's Short Sleeve Nursing Dress Empire Waist Dress Pregnancy Gown for Breastfeeding (Dark Gray M)Check it out on Amazon

Does the hospital provide a delivery gown?

After you’ve checked in at reception and you’re shown into the room you might be spending the next 12 hours in, the nurses will expect you to get changed into your ‘labor gear’.

All hospitals provide a hospital gown for delivery. These ‘no-frills’ gowns look boring, are often too revealing at the back and can’t be called comfortable by any definition. But they do the job.

Delivering a baby is messy business. If you don’t want your beautiful maternity gown to be splattered in blood, liquor and probably poo (yours and baby’s), put on the hospital-issued gown.

You can even ask for a new one if it gets dirty.

When you’re holding bub in your arms and you’ve been cleaned up, then change into your own hospital gown and robe for the perfect Instagram pic.

Will hospitals let me wear my own gown?

However, before you get to the big push, there might be hours and hours of contractions and pacing the floor, especially if it’s your first baby. You want to be as comfortable as possible during these long hours.

Most women choose to wear their own clothes during this time. Some even go so far as to bring their favorite pillows and blanket from home.

This is when your own hospital gown comes in handy.

Generally speaking, if you feel more comfortable with your own clothes and it doesn’t interfere with the midwifes’ ability to perform their job, it is encouraged that you wear your own clothes during labor and change into a hospital-issued gown for the big push.

This Baby-be-mine hospital gown has snaps at the back for modesty and a hidden front panel for easy baby monitoring.

3 in 1 Labor / Delivery / Nursing Hospital Gown Baby Be Mine Maternity,, Hospital Bag Must Have (L/XL, Isla)Check it out on Amazon

Check out my review of the 7 best hospital gowns for delivery.

Do I have to wear a gown for delivery?

You don’t even have to wear a gown for labor and delivery. You can actually wear anything you want. Some choices are obviously better than others.

Whatever you choose to wear, your outfit should be loose-fitting and serve the same function as a hospital gown by giving doctors and midwifes easy access to monitor your baby and check the progress of your labor.

You can even wear a long t-shirt that comes with a matching baby romper:

Straight Outta Labor & Mommy Women's T-Shirt & Infant Bodysuit Matching Set [Women: Labor, Large, Black/Baby: Mommy, NB, Black]Check it out on Amazon

These are the 8 most popular clothing choices for labor and delivery.

Can I wear my own hospital gown for surgery?

Hospitals try their best to help you be comfortable during labor and delivery. But the theatre room operates with different rules. They need to be extremely strict when it comes to safety and hygiene. If you are planned for a Caesarean section or end up having an emergency C-section while in labor, you will need to change into a hospital-issued gown for the surgery.

After the surgery, you can wear your own hospital gown if you want to. I couldn’t feel the lower half of my body for at least 6 hours post-surgery so you’ll probably only be changing into your own clothes the next day after a refreshing shower.

To wrap up

It is a personal choice if you want to wear your own clothes during labor. But know that you can wear your own hospital gown during labor and delivery if you want to.

You might also be interested in the best nursing bras for labor and delivery.

Wondering what your going home outfit should look like? Check out What to wear home from hospital after giving birth.

Sharon James
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2 thoughts on “Can you wear your own hospital gown during labor?”

  1. Pingback: The 7 best hospital gowns for delivery - The Sensual Mom

  2. Pingback: What to wear during delivery? (The 8 most popular choices)

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