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How many projects are too many?

You know what’s the best thing about letting your thoughts roam free?

It’s the fantastic ideas that pop out of nowhere.

People have solved world problems by daydreaming. No kidding.

And in my excitement about a creative side hustle idea that will make me millions, or a new hobby that is so interesting that I absolutely can’t not try it, I’ll inevitably start something new.

This happens about once every 1-2 months.

You can imagine the unfinished projects I have lying all over the place.

As my to-do list gets longer, I stretch myself thinner. I get brain fatigue and start feeling overwhelmed. The quality of my work suffers and I often do something just to get it done.

I lose my joy for all these projects I lovingly started. I lose interest. And before I know it, I’ve given up on yet another thing.

Admit it. You have the same problem.

Imagine what we could achieve if we focused our attention and efforts on just a few core priorities that are super duper important to us? And imagine what we could build if we stuck at it for more than a few months?

I’m not saying stop taking on new projects or God forbid, stop being interested in learning something new. But before you take on yet another project or say yes to yet another request, ask yourself this one question:

Do I have what it takes to do this well?

And if the answer is anything but:

Yes. I have the time, energy and brain power to see this through and make it a success.

you should do one of these 2 things:

  • Can it. It’s something that is way too far out of your abilities to make this work without sacrificing everything else (learn how to say no so people don’t hate you)
  • Put it on your some day list. When space opens up in your life, you can come back to it if you’re still as excited about it. Usually I find my excitement wears off and I don’t really want to start it anymore when I come back to it a few months down the track.

It’s not about the actual number of projects you have on your plate. It’s about how many projects your time and energy actually allows you to do well.

Busy moms need breaks too, you know.

Sharon James

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