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The best way to measure your toddler for a backpack

According to Claire, every toddler needs a backpack or three these days. As her mom, I initially disagreed until I realized she could carry her own little water bottle. But Claire isn’t a big for a 3-year-old. On my hunt for a backpack that won’t break her back, I realized that measuring her up for an appropriately-sized backpack is probably a good idea. Unfortunately, my little munchkin isn’t one to stand still for too long. I had to make sure I get all the measurements I needed before her square of chocolate ran out. If your toddler is hyperactive too, this is the quickest and best way to measure them for a backpack:

How to measure your toddler for a backpack

What do you need?

  • A tape measure or ribbon and ruler
  • A bribe so they’ll stand still for 30 seconds.
  • Pen and paper to write on. You only get one chance and if you forget the measurements, that’s it!

Find the height

Use your tape measure or ribbon and measure from their shoulder (at the line where the backpack straps rest) downwards to the level of the belly button. Add two inches to this measurement and write it down. This is the maximum height your toddler’s backpack should be.

Find the width

Measure between the ridges of the shoulder blades and add an extra inch. This is the maximum width the backpack should be.


There’s no guidelines for backpack depth as far as I know but most toddler backpacks are about 3-4 inches in depth. This should be fine for most toddlers. Avoid backpacks with novelty toys tagged on at the back. This increases the depth unnecessarily and shifts your toddler’s center of balance when carrying the backpack.

Size chart for toddlers’ backpacks by age

If measuring your toddler is impossible, this size chart for toddler’s backpacks will help you find the best size for your child. Remember, this chart is just based on averages. It’s always best to be on the conservative side when sizing a backpack, so it is important to remember that there are no absolute standards. Best to be slightly too small than too large!  

Other size factors to consider


Toddler backpacks should weigh about 5-6 ounces. In fact, the lighter, the better. This is so your child can stuff in their water bottle and other knick knacks and still be able to carry it safely. Keep in mind, guidelines recommend toddlers carry no more than 10% their body weight. Further reading: Are toddler backpacks safe?


The backpack should sit in the center of your child’s back, like a small tortoise shell. If the top of the bag peeps above their shoulder, it will put too much strain on your toddler’s neck and shoulders. If the bottom of the bag passes your child’s hip bones, the bag is too big.

Individual characteristics

We can measure as much as we want and the backpack might still not fit well. The most important thing is to get your toddler to try the backpack on the moment you get it Adjust the straps and double-check to make sure that it fits just right. It can’t be too tall, too wide, too deep or too heavy (phew!).

To wrap up

It doesn’t take much more than the price of a chocolate square and the risk of a sugar high to measure your toddler. If you’re buying a backpack online, it’s worth it so you know what backpack dimensions to look out for rather than relying on the brand’s recommendations which are often too generous (wrong).
Sharon James

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